About Enviroscapes Landscape Services

Steve AllatOver the years, I have worked on a lot of landscape projects ranging in size from a few hundred dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Regardless of the size and scope of the project, I have learned that they all involve the same skill set and attitude to get the job done right:

  • Proper planning based on a full understanding of the task at hand
  • Excellent communication between all responsible parties
  • Commitment to seeing the job completed in a timely, efficient manner

Enviroscapes takes these principals and adds getting the job done with the lightest footprint possible. To that end, we use and reuse, amend existing material before removing it from site, do the majority of our work by hand, use electric power tools before gas-powered tools and assess any other way that we can do your job efficiently, effectively and by considering your needs along with those of the world your landscape inhabits.

Steve Allat Landscape ServicesSteve Allat Diploma in Horticulture
University of Guelph, 1991
Professional Landscape Designer

  • ICPI Level 1 Cerfitified Paving Stone Installer
  • Aquapave Certified
  • Allan Block Certified
  • 20 years Industry Experience All Levels


Steve Allat is a very efficient, hard working landscape professional. He has a strong knowledge base and extensive experience with plants and garden design. When discussing your landscaping he will offer a variety of insights to help you achieve your desired result. I highly recommend his services and am confident that you will be very pleased.
